Community Groups

Registrations for this semester are now open.

What are Community Groups?

In a fast-paced, high-demand world, we help you slow down and draw close to God. We understand the challenges of juggling a career, a schedule, a family, and the demands of everyday life. We're not here to add more stuff to your plate. We're here to help. How? First, by helping you see how having Jesus at the center of your life will bring a peace like you've never experienced. Second, by providing support, encouragement and care as you personally seek God's best.

Our Community Groups are how we connect in friendship and grow in faith between Sundays. With lots of groups to choose from, there are many opportunities to get connected and grow.

A wide variety of groups meet at the church and in homes throughout the area. We are forming new semester-based groups, each designed to inspire spiritual growth through caring relationships in different environments:

Home Groups

Meaningful discussion, bible study and prayer in the comfort of a host home.

Learning Groups

An academic approach to the study of specific topics in a classroom or a home.

Support Groups

Mutual support and care during a challenging time (singleness, addiction, adoption, illness, grief, etc.) in a home or classroom.

Affinity Groups

Participation in an area of shared interest (basketball, knitting, board games, service, etc.) in any location.

Know God

We place a priority on reading the Bible and spending time talking and listening to God.

Events & Classes

Develop Community

No one should go it alone. We value friendships that help hold us spiritually accountable.

Learn More

Bring Hope

We believe we're each called to meet practical needs while sharing Jesus locally and globally.

Opportunities to Serve

Frequently Asked Questions

How many people will be in my Community Group?

Size will vary depending on the type of group and the location, but a Community Group is typically composed of 12 – 15 individuals.

How long does a meeting run for? How often do groups meet?

A Community Group typically lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours.  The frequency each group meets varies from group to group, some meet weekly, some bi-weekly, others 3-on-1-off.

Do I need to bring anything to a group meeting?

This will vary depending on your group.  Some groups will ask participants to purchase a book, others may ask members to bring a dish or snack to share.  Some groups it would be useful to bring a Bible and notebook. Your leader will let you know before you start what is expected or required.

How long is the Fall Semester?

Our Fall Semester will be running from September to December.

Can I join a group if sign-ups / enrollment is closed?

Because our groups semesters are fairly short, there isn’t a long wait before open enrollment and our next semester starts.  If you know someone in a group, feel free to visit their group to get a feel for what it is like. One great way to finding community at PAC in the meantime is to serve alongside other people in one of our ministries.

Will I be expected to talk in this group?

Although it is not required, sharing and talking is an important part of building community.  Your group is a safe place for you to share your thoughts and experiences, and to get to know some people better.  While we do spend some time in prayer in all of our groups, you are not expected to pray out loud if you are not yet comfortable with that.

Can I stay in my current group?

Yes!  You are encouraged to join a group each semester where you believe you will best be able to grow and develop community, whether that is a new group or your current group.  Leaders will have a chance to sign returning members up a week early.

Do I have to be a Christian to be part of a group?

No – everyone is welcome and has a chance to find belonging and friendship, regardless of background or belief.

Why are groups semester based? What does that mean?

Semester based simply means that all of our Community Groups will be open for 3 semesters each year (Spring, Summer, and Fall).  Every person attending PAC is encouraged to join a Community Group each semester and make a short-term commitment to that group, with freedom to re-join a group or try another one the following semester.

We do this for several reasons: to give easy on- and off- ramps for everyone, because it’s easier for people to join a group when everyone is starting at the same time and it’s a short-term commitment, and it creates opportunities for people to get to know more people in our church family.  There are also more group options, with new topics and types of groups offered each semester.