Church Planting

PAC is committed to the advancement of the Gospel through the multiplication of the local church.
PAC Began As A Church Plant
PAC Began As A Church Plant

Growing God’s Kingdom is part of our DNA. A church isn’t just a building, it’s a people—people who know and follow Jesus.

There are 2.1 million people living in the surrounding four counties. There simply aren’t enough local churches for that many people to meet and follow Jesus. More variations or “expressions” of the church are needed in this ethnically, culturally,  generationally, and socio-economically diverse area we know as Central Jersey. Church multiplication gives us the ability to invite more people into the life that Jesus offers. Jesus compels us to bring life and hope to others (Matthew 28:17-20Acts 1:8) and intends for the church to multiply.

In 2019 we began the work of creating a church multiplication network. Why a network? We can do more when we partner with others. We see this modeled in the book of Acts. As the Gospel spread in the years after Jesus’ resurrection, the first church—the Jerusalem church—was home to the first apostles, their leadership and direction. The Jerusalem church was still doing important ministry for God. Yet, God wanted to expand the Gospel beyond Jerusalem. Thus, the Jerusalem church sent God-ordained evangelists (or new disciples) to reach new people. The Jerusalem church was a central point and hub for other “sent out” communities. Network churches are those sent out to reach specific new people for Christ.

In the multiplication process we send a Lead Planter to help with the organization and establishment of the church as well as a Lead Pastor to teach and train and care for the ongoing needs of the new community. Once established, the Lead Pastor remains with the new community and the Lead Planter partners with the next individual identified to lead a new network church. We’ve begun the process of multiplication with the planting of Kairos Church and look forward to what God will do in their community.

Our First Network Church

Kairos means time. Not measured in minutes or hours, this type of time points to a decisive moment in which conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action. Now is the time for us to discover all that Jesus has for us in community.